Tuesday, August 9, 2011

playing in the rain

It has been SOOO HOT. We were planning a trip to Jackson's while G-ma and G-pa were here, but I just couldn't see voluntarily going out in the heat. Then it started raining :) The boys love to play outside, no matter what the weather, each and every morning. So we put on our swimsuits and headed out to play in the puddles. We played for about 45 minutes before it got too COLD!

The best way to play with puddles is to sit down in them.

Camden is fun to watch "jump!" I think they are catching on....
Miles did this step about...100 times and would clap every time. What a wonderful achievement!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is so stinkin' cute!!! ONE DAY, I, too, will let my girls play in the puddles...but I'll probably have to do it when Daddy's not home. I don't think he would support me in that one! HA!
