Sunday, August 23, 2009

29 weeks- about 8 weeks to go!

We had another ultrasound (checking their growth) on Thursday. Everything seems to be progressing really nicely. Both boys are well above 2#= 2#14 (Miles- Twin A) and 2# 12 (Camden- Twin B). Heart rates were good. Both babies are lying transverse (across) my abdomen. If they don't move before too much longer, this position will guarantee a C-section. We have an appointment with the midwife on Tuesday, so hopefully we will learn more then.

This is Miles at 29 weeks- see the eyes to the left upper area (your left)?

This is Camden. Once again the eyes are on the left upper area.

The Scat Mat has been a success. If you want to know, it feels mostly like static electricity. At first both Jezzabelle and Eli were pretty underwhelmed. They would let themselves be shocked, but the disdainment of the apparatus has increased and they will not go near the mat. Noir has never seen the mat, but then again, I doubt if he ever sees the babies. I am not too worried about him. All the cats are mopey. They seem to know that big changes are on the way AND they hate when we go back to school. There is nobody around to nap with.

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